Department of ENT

The department of ENT provides complete care of surgical as well as medical services for the disorders related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck . The highly skilled team of ENT specialist use the latest equipments and technologies to perform skull base surgeries, endoscopic nasal surgeries ear. The team is expert in treating patient’s in different age groups and with problems related to ear, nose and throat,

The ear surgeries performed includes Tympanoplasty, Mytriagoplasty, Myringotomy , Stapedotomy, radical Mastoidectomy, Ossiculoplasty, faial nerve decompression etc.

Hearing and deafness, deviated septum, rhinitis, ringing in the ears, sinusitis, nasal obstruction, sinus headaches and migraines, and various concerous conditions.

Sleep-related disorders suc as nasal and airway obstruction, sleep- disorder breathing, sleep apnea and snoring along with expert counseling and consultations to the patient.

Problems related to the throat including sore throat, throat tumors, gasteroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), hoarseness, infection, vocal cord and airway disorders.

Defects at the time of birth, related to the head and neck, ear infection, developmental delays airway problems, tonsil and adenoid infection, asthma and allergy.

Facial plastic surgeries such as cleft palates, hair loss, drooping eyelids, ear deformities, trauma reconstruction, head and neck cancerreconstructions, facial paralysis, and facial cosmetic surgery.

The doctors are highly efficient and also work in collaboration with other specialties like speech pathologist to deal with the congenital disorders and facial deformities which may occur during childbirth such as cleft palate and lip. The collaboration with other specialties ensures that the patient is offered complete quality care.

The department is a perfect design for demonstrating the fusion of human expertise and technology. The department delivers latest diagnostic tools and screening with advanced imaging techniques. The patients are provided with special and personalized care by the team of ENT doctors.

The nose surgeries include Septoplasty, FESS , CSF Rinorrhea repair; Endoscopic DCR, Turbinoplasty etc.

The throat surgeries include Adenotonsillectomy , MLS for vocal polyp , foreign body removal etc.

Head & neck surgeries include: Thyroidectomy , PAratidectomy , MAxillectomy , Thyroglossal cyst removal, submandibullar gland excision / thyroplasty , Laryngectomy etc by best ENT specialist in Delhi


200000 +

Successfully Treated


15 +


Patients Treated

100 +


Critical Patient Treated

80 +


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